Monday, January 30, 2012

Floured Pillows, pillow flowers

Yes, I know there was a spelling error in the title. That was just to get your attention.

Old sweaters recycled into pillows
I know, this is nothing new...people have been doing this since the beginning of time (aka the DIY, go green, recycling era) but I just thought I would post my own version of the recycled pillow. I made these in December-but didn't do them as a pillowcase, just simply sewed the little hole closed after the pillow form was inside. So, in order to wash them I guess I will have to either throw the whole pillow in the washer or take them apart. I was in too much of a hurry when I was making them  I guess.

Grinding your own flour
This is something I have absolutely no experience with...but I was hoping someone out there would! I've always kind of scoffed people who bought wheat berries (is that the correct term?) and ground it themselves-it just seemed a little over-the-top for me. I mean, you can buy whole wheat flour at the store, right? So why go to the bother. But, maybe, just maybe, I am missing out on something. I grind coffee beans, and my coffee definately tastes better so maybe the same philosophy is true with wheat berries? And I have always wanted to make a GOOD 100% whole wheat bread, but so far the recipe has illuded me. Now I think I have found it (the recipe that is)-but I think I may also have to try making my own whole wheat flour if this bread actually works. Any tips, suggestions, ideas or recipes you care to share?

Saturday, January 21, 2012

should I...or shouldn't I?

I really wasn't going to continue this and blogging just don't really get along too well. But, I enjoy reading other peoples blogs so...I feel like I should keep this up. I think one reason I don't want to keep it up is the fact that I feel like I don't want to put a whole lot of time into it, and blogs nowdays are becoming so time consuming with advertising and etsy shops and links and giveaways and who knows what! I don't want to have to do all that I don't. I just stalk people. :) Here is a picture of our family from November, a little outdated, yes, because this is January already.
 And yes, I am still into reusing, recycling, and DIY projects-I just haven't felt like showing them off. This broken picture became a neat little canvas for Jensen's room.

Well, I've spend enough time today-I may come up with more posts-or maybe not! We will just have to see which way the wind blows..............-Janine