Monday, January 24, 2011

New at this (kind of)

So, I've been thinking for quite a while about starting a new blog since it seems like the thing to do...but it also seems to be a thing that doesn't last very long either...only until the newest and best something else is developed in the technological world. Unfortunately, this isn't my first attempt at a blog but those attempts have gone the way of the dinasour so I shall try again.

As to the topic of this aformentioned blog, that is still up for grabs...but I do know it will not involve fashion tips (something I know nothing about) or fancy writing (which I am terrible at) or art (fancy art, that it). Although I love looking at the cute outfits that fashionistas can put together for next to nothing, I know that if I was to try that I would have absolutely no followers, unless it was to see how not to do it! And although I enjoy reading, especially writings that have thought and emotion and smoothness and flow....I have tried and just can't quite get that either. As far as art, I pretty much failed that grade in school, especially if it had to do with drawing (oh, why couldn't we just trace?)

On a more positive note, I can cook, bake, sew, knit, garden and a few other things. I especially like to do those things if I can save some money here and, hopefully, that will be enough to keep me going for a while...I will be posting some pictures of some of the projects I've been working on this winter.

But for now, Jensen is calling so I must be on my way....tada for now!


  1. I'm totally with you on the writing and art thing! I'm terrible! Maybe it was because of my high school assistant teacher :) Nah! :)

  2. Love it, love it! Can't wait to see what you've been working on - will the plant hanger things be on the list?
