After a long weekend of driving, a funeral, family and lots of people, I am tired out and ready to just sit at home and do nothing. So my dirty clothes will stay in my bag, my dishwasher will store my clean dishes, my counters will continue to hold all the "stuff" that counters hold, Jensen's diapers will just stay in a laundry basket and get folded as needed, and I will sit on my couch and drink coffee (wait, the coffee is all gone, snarfed by my hard working husband who had to go back to work early this morning).
Going to a funeral is something that nobody wants to do but everybody has to do once in a while. This funeral was such a sad funeral...a young life taken in the "prime" of life seems so different than an older person who is "expected" (?) to die. I was taken back to a funeral eighteen years ago that was for four teenagers from our church who were killed in a car accident (there were actually five, but one funeral was held separately in a different community). I don't remember much as I was only 9 but I do remember the huge number of people who were there and that whole row of caskets. And the families who were all of a sudden small, a youth group that was missing four members and a community that was so united in grief. I can only imagine the grieving that happened at that funeral.....
.............and life moves on.......Jensen is 6 months today-half a year already! I don't know where the time has gone. It seems like he is learning so much right now...he sits up by himself, rolls all over the place, reaches out his hands to us and absolutely loves it and gets so excited when daddy gets home from work. He likes bananas, squash, sweet potatoes, cereal and trying to drink out of a sippy cup. He's even been practicing his talking...saying things like "ma, ma, ma, ma, ma" etc. He's gone from being eight lbs to being somewhere between twenty and twenty-five lbs!
One thing that I've been doing more of this winter is are a couple of hats that I made for Jensen...I'd like to make some to sell as well, but who knows if or when that will happen!
Love the hats!! (: Your little guy is getting so big! Soon we will be saying the same thing: "where has the time gone?". I heard about that funeral - so sad.